This was fitting for the blessed one so associated with water, as in turning into wine and walking on (see previous post: why matt can do no wrong regarding who our superstar resembles at times:

Who can compete with that?
Everyone felt that Water was the easiest theme. (Of course the spirit guided the best element to the chosen one.)
These days "spa" and "hotel" are practically interchangeable terms. The colors and surfaces of aqua and teak and sand and surf are ubiquitous in the world of hotels -- making it easier for the designers to come up with ideas at the spur of the moment and to find what they are looking for -- so Water would have been a snap to do as a basic spa type of room.
Furthermore, I remind you that this is taking place in Los Angeles -- a place of surf and sun.
So what does Matt do with it?

Jesus wept.

But it was beautiful ice.
It takes someone from a cold climate to create a sparkling icy spectacle under these circumstances.
Feeling Minnesota . . .Or, maybe it just takes someone from a cold climate to see it this way. (And please pardon my clichés.)
One must have a mind of winter . . .A number of people noted that it was hard to remember that Matt's room was water and not air
Other elements included: the very exacting shade of blue
Mirrored tables
like the surface of a skating pond.
Layers of pillows--
The color of the rug
The glass floor lamp
That said, the room was exquisite but it needed some life. A promise of spring.

Water that moves. Flowers in bloom. Narcissus. Maybe a cherry branch or pussy willows. I like the symbolism of narcissus however. And chocolate is good in the winter as well.
Cool, distant, unobtainable, unusable, unless you're so rich that you don't care about sullying the pristine sheets, shiny reflective tables, or virginal couch.
Me? I like rich colors. So, yes this room was excellent. Would I feel comfortable staying in it? No.
You're right: it was ice, not water. I thought the room was pretty but sterile.
I love when in fact, thank you!
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