Sunday, February 11, 2007

herding cats

This week I became the crazy cat lady. I'm actually a dog person so go figure.
  • Arts: Fun facts about Bastet, the Egyptian cat goddess; most are true. Includes shrine floor plans and links to amulets.
  • Letters: The two greatest poems about pet cats
  • Shop : You can commit a double Margaret Russell offense and decorate using a pillow with my Siamese cat in a hat design.

Also: my Episode 2 Child's Play posts begin directly below, in the following order:& Thanks to everyone for your comments. I am enjoying the conversation.

1 comment:

Vic said...

I'm enjoying your blog. Love the Margaret Russell comment re: cats.

I'm amazed how few comments the judges made about the lack of toys, book shelves, desks, electronic equipment, etc. It's as if they've bought into theses sterile, windowless alcoves.

And I had such initial high hopes for this series.