Another installment of: bloody hell
(or kora ranting on a tangential topic)
jeffrey the punk
I know I made fun of his rat-tail and Spinal Tap rocker style (he had it coming) but I have to say that I liked the song that he played for his runway show and in the end it's all about the art, man.

Anyway, he won for chrissakes so why should we cut him any slack? He's laughing his way to the bank.
an aside on dorks and fools and being cool:I really do have a topic and a point . . .
That said, I don't imagine myself as the arbiter of what is punk or what is cool. Let's just remind ourselves who is speaking, shall we? I'm a bona fide geek. But geeks are sort of like the modern-day fools. Their role is to mock the powers that be. And they often know a surprising amount about cool stuff. They just don't know how to act very cool.
This is not about Jeffrey as much as this is about the judges. This is is about how the judges seem to believe whatever Jeffrey tells them. Of course I'm exaggerating in this rant. That's why I call it a rant. But somebody's got to take the piss out of Michael Kors and it might as well be me. (Be assured, there will be a "kora on kors" post soon!!))
Okay, that was just the set up. So hang onto your eyeliner, your chains and your flannel my goth, punk, and grunge rockers because I'm heading into earbleed feedback ranting:

In the early 80s Michael Kors and Nina Garcia were probably doing more important things than going to see the Meat Puppets play on an off-night at a country western bar in some nowheresville in the midwest.
They most certainly had something better to do than go to the Replacements show when Paul Westerberg was too drunk to perform.
However, they could not have been doing anything more important at the time than having the privilege seeing Hüsker Dü's last show.

My point is that I know just enough to know that the judges know jack shit about this stuff and, more to the point, Jeffrey has greatly benefitted from their ignorance.
Jeffrey can tell them that a green and white barbershop quartet jacket is punk.
Or he can tell them that it is inspired by Japanese demon stories.
They will, apparently, believe anything he tells them.
Since he's won Jeffrey has been acting like some sort of Obi Wan Kenobi dispensing faux Zen wisdom about taming the monkey in your life (by spanking it or putting it in a time out?) and saying that he would never be so mean and petty like Laura etc..

A few recommended readings & a classic cult film:
Lipstick Traces: A Secret History of the Twentieth Century by Greil Marcus
In the Fascist Bathroom: Punk in Pop Music, 1977-1992 by Greil Marcus
Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes from the American Indie Underground 1981-1991 by Michael Azerrad
Repo Man (1984) DVD Widescreen Collectors Edition Re-issue. Directed by Alex Cox. Produced by Mike Nesmith. (Yes, that Mike Nesmith.) Click here for a review.
Duke: I know a life of crime has led me to this sorry fate, and yet, I blame society. Society made me what I am.
Otto: That's bullshit. You're a white suburban punk just like me.
trixie, not only are the carpenters great, they are more punk than Jeffrey :-) my pal Brenda constantly reminds me "Once a punk, always a punk." Although I no longer sport a crimson mohawk or tease my hair into black haystacks a la the Cure, I can spot a poseur a million miles away! Takes on to know one! ;-) I concur with your effusion completely!
Punk = Sex Pistols = 1977 = Jeffrey in the 3rd grade. Give me a break. Japanese ghosts and demons my ass. The judges fell for his BS hook, line, and stinker!
It's weird how this generic alt-style has coalesced out of punk and goth. If you want to be a rebel, get some tattoos and chains and black. Period.
I want to go to Burning Man dressed in a peach Izod shirt, khaki shorts with a preppy belt, a visor and maybe a sweater around my shoulders, and see who gets it.
RE CARPENTERS: I FINALLY got to see Todd Haynes' film 'Superstar' (albeit an incredibly badly-duped copy on Google video) and it made me totally appreciate Karen like never before. Not because I necessarily bought his take on her life, but because he framed the music so well.
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